rufus smith造句


  1. The leads were de Mille favourites Rufus Smith and Raimonda Orselli provided the singing.
  2. Trained in medicine, Dr . Rufus Smith had a large practice, serving the residents across the Isthmus of Chignecto.
  3. In 1921, his friend Rufus Smith chose him to arbitrate a the Queen of Romania went on a tour of the United States.
  4. Rufus Smith died in 1844 and is buried in the Methodist Church cemetery at Kent County in the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick from 1856 to 1866.
  5. Wood's attorney, Rufus Smith, said the charges against his client _ minister, substitute teacher, bus driver, Air Force veteran, father of five _ are without merit.
  6. It's difficult to find rufus smith in a sentence. 用rufus smith造句挺难的
  7. One night the three Buddhist priests summon General Heatherstone and Colonel Rufus Smith ( who had been together with the general in India and apparently was under the same threat that was faced by the general ) out of Cloomber Hall.


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